Today is July 27, 2024 ()

Louis Wise

Wise, Louis, Union Soldier.

At 4:30 o’clock this morning, August 25, 1896, after a long and painful illness, Louis
Wise passed away from the ranks of the living to the realm of the dead. He was born 56
years, 1 month and 11 days ago at Mainz, Germany. He came to the United States with his
parents when quite young and settled in New York, where he engaged in business. In 1862,
Mr. Wise enlisted in the 70th New York, which was known as the Excelsior regiment of New
York volunteers commanded by Col. Egbert, and one of the famous regiments which the
Empire State sent to the Union army. The army history of Mr. Wise shows that he was a
good soldier. He participated in many of the battles in Virginia and was mustered out of
service with an honorable record.
In 1867 he came to Brownsville and for some years was engaged in the commission
business, where he accumulated a competence. He was also for a number of years in the
customs service, where he bore the reputation of a good officer.
In 1881, Mr. Wise was married to Miss Annie Hornstein. She survives him with three
children, Leo, aged 14, Emily 10 and Aimee, 2 years.
As is the case with most true soldiers, Mr. Wise was generous minded and chivalrous.
His disposition was genial, his bearing gentlemanly. Neat in person, tasteful in dress and
courteous in conduct, he would attract attention anywhere. It was a pleasure to meet him.
His conversation was always worth hearing.
In the death of Louis Wise, Brownsville has lost a good citizen. A wide circle of
friends will sadly miss him and the bereavement of his family is irreparable. They have the
sincere sympathy of the entire community.
Mr. Wise will be buried this evening in the Hebrew Cemetery by the Masonic
fraternity and the local post of the Grand Army of the Republic, of which organizations he
was an honored member.
Note by Ruben Edelstein:
Louis joined with Francisco (Pancho) Yturria in a money-exchange business. The exchange
was probably of war-time Union Greenbacks. Yturria discovered that the Union would purchase
Greenbacks. Wise became the courier for Yturria. He worked on a commission basis. If Wise
was caught, Yturria could claim that Wise was an independent businessman and not employed
by Yturria.
Yturria would buy Greenbacks and Wise would pack them up and travel to the Union
side and exchange them for gold.